







Monday, January 19

We took a lecture about the treatment and system in working as JICA volunteer.

JICA had given us the guide book which had more than 100 pages and contained the detail of treatment and system

We can know the treatment if we read the book.
Becasuse many loose volunteers didn't read the book, we must take the lecture, I thought.

But there were several volunteers sleeping in such a lecture.

Taking the explanation, I thought that JICA had huge office works.

The cost of living and air fare of each host country are different.
As the addresses of the volunteers are different, the cost of travel to airport which contain the cost of stay are different. To calculate and check them may be so hard.

If these works are automatically done by computer systems, how much did it cost to build the system?
Since the treatment may be changed periodically, it cost a great deal of money to maintain the computer system.