










In Japan, there are not many people who learn Portuguese.
Thus there are not many educational materials about Portuguese
and their materilas are expensive.

A Portuguese-Japanese dictionary cost 7000 yen.
Normally, English-Japanese dictionary which cost about 3000 yen
have not only meanings of words but alse example frases,
but the Portuguese-Japanese dictionary have not example frases at all.

Because of less educational materials,
in Portuguese lesson we use original textbook.

When I study the textbook,
as I don't know words in the textbook,
I have to consult a dictionary many times.

There are many words which I don't know,
Most study time are looking at a dictionary.

electronic dictionary is not selled,
I have to consult a dictionary which was made of PAPER.

So there is no appropriate vocaburaly book, I have to make it.
I arranged words from the textbook into excel file, so there are more than 3000 words.

If I look up a dictionary carefully, I study from 30 to 40 words in one hour.
It takes about 100 hours to finish it.

The important thing is not to cousult a dictionay but to learn words.
Because we will take intermediate exam next week, I have not to take more times to make vocabulary list.

I had vocabulary lists without Japanese meanings.
I made a computer program to make vocabulary lists with Japanese meanings automatically.
The program used "Excite honyaku" to consult meanings of words.

The program took 40 minutes to look all words up.
It was just breakthrough.

It cut the time to look words up,
so I can concentrate to learn words.