

夕方に国別リーダーが召集されて、OV DAYの任国事情の進め方の説明を受けた。






Because it was sunny and not much cold,
we did morning rally outside not in gymnasium after long days.

In the evening, host counrty's leaders were called in a meeting room.
We were explained the way to progress OV DAY.
A staff told us that we have to make quesionarries and time schedule
to progress the program smoothly.

Without preparing, OV would not understand what we want to know.

I have a little things to make documents since there are five volunteers who will work in Mozambique.
Leaders whose host country are many volunteers like Gana or Uganda
might be hard.

actually, the leader of Gana complained about it.

Reflecting yesterday's EIKEN test, I increase study time.
Because it is waste time to return my room,
I take the all textbooks to the lesson room
and move little from there

I don't know whether this measure is effective.
I do my best, don't make a excuse!!